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Day in the Life of BA Education student Jess.

Day in the Life of BA Education student Jess.

Published: 08 Nov 2023

Seminars are practical-based, I'm allowed to share my ideas and experiences and we are all allowed to develop and talk about our perspectives. This is particularly valuable in getting a unique insight into the perspective and experience of my peers.

Jess, Undergraduate

Education BA

From UK

Can you take us through a day in your life?

A typical day on the Education course consists of blocks of lectures surrounding the topic of Education,with opportunities to get some in-practice experience and work alongside studying. On our course, even though they refer to the mass lectures, most of our sessions are more similar to a seminar. It's a lot more discussion-based where we give input, have debates, group work and regular collaboration. It's also more practical-based, I'm allowed to share my ideas and experiences and we are all allowed to develop and talk about our perspectives. This is particularly valuable in getting a unique insight into the perspective and experience of my peers.

What aspects of your day do you enjoy?

I really enjoy socialising with friends between lectures, it鈥檚 nice to catch up with everyone and experience the social part of university life outside of lectures. I also enjoy that our lectures involve group work and discussion - so it doesn't feel like we are silent all the time and we get to share our view and learn about other people鈥檚 viewpoints. I also enjoy working as a Student Ambassador, where I gain experience that is relevant to my degree. The collaborative aspects of this degree have been really creative and helpful for me personally.

What tips and advice would you give to a new student or your first-year self?

I'd say definitely go to lectures, especially because you can build a relationship with your lecturers who are professionals in the field you're studying in, so it's quite helpful. I also think engaging with things outside of your course - like becoming a Student Ambassador like me or joining societies - is important in the first year so you don't feel like all you do is study!

What鈥檚 something you wish you had known before coming to university?

Something I wish I'd known is that university is different to school in the sense that you will get help but, you have to ask for it. So, you shouldn鈥檛 be afraid to reach out to lecturers or ASK (AcademicSkills Team), help is there! Just remember, it can't hurt to send your lecturer a short line or email, you just have to be the one to make the step, because they are always available and rooting for you. University life is a great experience overall. The people you meet and the things you learn cannot be found in a classroom anywhere else, so try to enjoy the journey!聽